A Pixelcade Listener called pixelweb (Windows and Linux) runs in the background and listens for REST URL calls. Note these are local REST calls to localhost so an Internet connection is not required. However if your host is reachable via the Internet, then you can make these calls remote too.
API Support for Pixelcade LED and Pixelcade LCD
All V1 REST APIs will function on Pixelcade LED. For Pixelcade LCD, the following V1 API limitations apply and also note the additional V2 APIs below that only apply to LCD.
- Substitute pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx.local for localhost for all API calls where xxxxxxxx is a unique ID for each Pixelcade LCD
- Loop commands and the Queue feature will not work with LCD so just omit the loop parameter when using the API with LCD.
- Animations are not supported
- Scrolling text is supported but will continuously loop until the next API call is received. Font size, speed, number of lines, and offset are not supported.
- localplayback is not supported
- quit, reboot, and shutdown are supported
- Only streaming, no writes
- Add the URL param &ledonly if you want the command to only display on Pixelcade LED and not be relayed to Pixelcade LCD
The Pixelcade Listener is launched via pixelweb.exe on Windows and pixelweb on Linux. Note that Pixelcade LCD using pixelweb.jar. Use the -silent parameter to launch pixelweb without console messages.
Note be sure you have the latest version of the Pixelcade software to guarantee all of the below APIs are included. All the examples below refer to localhost but you may also use the ip address or dns name. For example, http://pixelcade.host:8080 or
REST Call | Result |
| Displays a console/emulator specific PNG or GIF. If the console specific PNG or GIF does not exist, displays the default marquee or displaying scrolling text if ?t=[alt-scrolling-text] was specified. Stream or write a PNG (still image) or GIF animation to the LED marquee. In write mode, the PNG or GIF will continue to display after the Pixelcade listener has been shutdown. Write includes a physical write to the microSD card on the PIXEL board and then the PNG or GIF is playing back locally with no dependency on the PC or Pi. With stream mode , the Pixelcade listener must be running. Stream mode playback is instant while there is a delay with write. Note that write is only available in the legacy Pixelcade version at this time. Additional URL params ?nogif – Only display a PNG if there is also a matching GIF ?gifonly – Only display a GIF if there is also a matching PNG Note if both a PNG and a GIF exist for the same game, the GIF will play first and then the PNG. Some games have multiple GIFs (the LED art pack adds more multiple GIFs) like for example: qbert_01.gif qbert_02.gif qbert_03.gif If there is a multiple GIF as defined by the naming convention game_0x.gif, then Pixelcade will pick one of them at random per each API call and then land on the game PNG (ex. qbert.png). Path of the default marquee which can be changed by the user: <pixelcade home folder>/console/default-marquee.png |
| Displays a console/emulator specific PNG or GIF. If the console specific PNG or GIF does not exist, displays the default marquee or displaying scrolling text if ?t=[alt-scrolling-text] was specified The same optional text parameters (font, size, lines, yoffset, etc.) can be used here too. |
| Shuts down the Pixelcade listener |
| Raspberry Pi or Pixelcade LCD: Reboots the OS |
| Raspberry Pi or Pixelcade LCD: Shuts down the OS |
| Puts Pixelcade into local playback mode meaning it will play the last png or gif that was written to it’s microSD card |
| Blanks out the LED marquee |
| Send scrolling text. Make sure to add %20 for all spaces. |
| ?t=[your text] is required, the rest of the parameters are optional. ?t=hello world will scroll the text “Hello World” &c=[color] changes the scrolling text color. Possibles values are: red, blue, cyan, gray, darkgray, green, lightgray, magenta, orange, yellow, pink, and white. &c=green or &color=green will change the text to green. Hex color values may also be entered in 6 digit format without the # sign. &c=45B39D for example For scrolling speed, smaller number means faster scrolling. Range 10 – 150. &s=10 for example The color will default to red if no color is specified or if an invalid color is specified. Of if a color is not specified and random is specified as the default color in settings.ini, then a random color will be used. New TTF (TrueType) fonts can be added to the /fonts folder. Specify the TTF font name, not the file name. Example font names are “Handwriting”, “Tall Films Fine”, and “Haunting Attraction”. The default font is “Arial Narrow 7”. Font size ranges are typically 14 – 32. &size=20 would change the font size to 20. Default font size is 28. lines can be 1, 2, or 4. &lines=4 would change to 4 lines of text. If 2 or 4 is selected, the font and font size will be over-riden. As some fonts will not center vertically correctly, the yoffset parameter can be used to adjust. &yoffset=-4 for example will move the text up by 4 pixels and &yoffset=4 will move the text down by 4 pixels. Displays scrolling text for x loops. See the Queue feature described below for more info on the queue works. Ex. &l=5 will loop the scrolling text 5 times. Note if the text is shorter than the length of the display (Pixelcade is 132 pixels wide for example), then the text will not scroll. If LCDLEDCompliment=yes in settings.ini (this is the default), then the additional param &led is sent to the LCD call which then tells Pixelcade LCD not to scroll text since there is already a Pixelcade LED that is scrolling text. Ex. |
| If a matching PNG or GIF image is not found, then display scrolling text (Ex. Game Playing Asteroids Deluxe) The same optional text parameters (font, size, lines, yoffset, etc.) can be used here too. |
| Loops a GIF animations x times or displays a still image PNG for x seconds QUEUE FEATURE If another loop command (GIF, PNG, or scrolling text) is sent while in the current loop, that next loop command will be sent to a Queue for playback after the current loop command has finished. The Queue can contain an unlimited number of commands in any combination of GIF animations, still PNG images, and scrolling text. To abort and clear all items in the Queue, simply send a new command that does not contain the loop parameter (&l=x) or send a write command. This command will immediately take priority, start, and empty the Queue. Note that the display will be cleared / blanked out after the last loop command in the Queue has finished unless a loop value of 99999 is specified which tells Pixelcade to let the previous Queue item finish and then will stay on the last PNG or GIF until its interrupted. If using the Queue feature in a custom script, ensure all your calls have the additional param &event=FEScroll |
| CYCLE MODE Cycle indefinitely between a GIF or PNG and scrolling text. A typical use case would be launching a game and then displaying a marquee for say 5 seconds and then scrolling high scores and then back to the marquee. If the target is a PNG, the PNG will display for x seconds where x is the loop param. If the target is a GIF, the GIF will loop only 1 time. The text will always scroll only one time before cycling back to the PNG or GIF. To interrupt the cycle, you must send another API command without a loop parameter. Example: http://localhost:8080/arcade/stream/mame/pacman?t=High%20Socres%20Al%20200,000%20Erin%203,000&l=1&color=green&cycle |
| ARCADE FRONT END EVENT FLAGS For arcade front ends integrating with Pixelcade, it’s highly recommended to add events flag to each API call as this gives Pixelcade context enabling Pixelcade to know if the event is coming from front end scrolling or a game launch for example.
Note: case sensitive Example: http://localhost:8080/arcade/stream/mame/pacman?event=FEScroll |
| TICKER MODE Starts and stops a scrolling text ticker based on content from RSS feeds. Up the 5 RSS feed sources can be configured and are defined in Pixelcade’s settings.ini. The ticker will stop automatically when any arcade call is sent or when the ticker stop command is called. Note the news ticker is only available in the legacy Pixelcade version at this time |
| ACHIEVEMENTS This API is specifically for integration with RetroAchievements , here is an example. If a PNG or GIF matching the achievements ID file name exists in <your Pixelcade folder>/achievements , then that file will play , then followed by the achievements scrolling text for 1 loop, and then lastly the game marquee will display that matches the console and rom name. If the achievements ID file does not exist (which will be the more common case), then a random animation (between 10 animations) will display, then the achievements scrolling text, and then the game marquee. Example: http://localhost:8080/achievements/stream/coleco/177575?t=”First Flight : Clear 3 rounds of Skill Level 1″¤tgame=zaxxon |
| PINBALL EVENT ANIMATIONS Displays animations specifically in the /pinball artwork folder, click here for demo ex. http://localhost:8080/pinball/btmn_106/s4 If a second pinball API comes in when the first one did not complete yet, the animations will overlay If the table does not exist, it will default to animations in the pinball/auto folder. The default animations in pinball/auto are s1, s2, s3…. s16. For training mode to see what animation name the pinball table is passing (so you can later add the corresponding artwork), use http://localhost:8080/pinball/btmn_106/s4?training which will then scroll text on Pixelcade LED showing what animation name is being sent by the table. Note this is only available on the Pixelcace LED legacy version at this time |
| Displays scrolling text for x loops. The Queue feature described above applies also to scrolling text with the loop parameter. |
API Access to Widgets | Weather http://localhost:8080/weather?location=x x can be a zip code or a city/country name Clock http://localhost:8080/clock Sports Scores Ticker http://localhost:8080/sports/x x can be: nfl, nba, nhl, mlb |
| Returns a JSON with info and settings from pixelcade.ini {"name":"My Pixelcade LED","type":"LED","hostname":" |
| Settings Valid Key names are: fuzzyMatching debugLogging traceLogging noLogging colorLogging defaultFontColorRandom noIntro demoMode noMdns deviceScan displayName If valid key and value, returns: {"key":"fuzzyMatching","value" if invalid key or value, returns {"key":"error","value":" |
| Streams or writes an animation that exists in the /animations/gifsource folder. Add the parameter ?r to return a random animation. |
| Returns a list of animation names from /animations |
| Returns a list of single frame image names from /images |
| Returns a list of mame game names from /mame |
| Returns the name of the last game selected in the format console%game-name Ex. mame%pacman |
REST API Call Examples
REST Call Examples | Result |
| Streams pacman PNG or GIF for the Atari 2600 console |
| Displays pacman.png for the Atari 2600 console and ignores the matching GIF |
| Loops pacman.gif 3 times for the Atari 2600 console and ignores the matching PNG |
| Streams Journey to the center of the World for the NES console |
| Streams Millipede for the MAME console |
| Writes 1942 for the MAME console |
| Streams the default console marquee for nes. Also note that pixelcade.local is used here vs. localhost where pixelcade.local is the host name of a Raspberry Pi on your Wifi network that has been configured for Pixelcade. |
| Scrolls Hello World text |
| Scrolls Hello World text in light orange (hex color code) |
| Streams “Game Playing Pacman” in yellow one time in a slower speed of 50 and then sets the still image pacman PNG indefinitely |
| Streams “Game Playing Pacman” in blue one time, then displays pacman PNG for 3 seconds, then loops the pacghosts GIF two times, and then clears the display blank. |
| If missing-game.png or missing-game.gif does not exist, scrolls the text “Game Playing Missing Game” in green indefinitely |
| If missing-game.png or missing-game.gif does not exist, scrolls the text “Game Playing Missing Game” one time |
| Changes scrolling text color to green |
| Changes scrolling text speed to 50. Smaller number is faster scrolling and larger number is slower scrolling. Range: 10 – 150 |
| For non arcade use cases, you can use all the above features of the API and place your PNG or GIF files in the pixelcade install directory/user |
| Streams the 0rain.gif file in the animations folder |
| Streams the 0rain.gif file in the animations folder 3 times |
| Using Curl or libcurl, uploads a PNG to $HOME/pixelcade/images |
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "upload=@/Users/artwork/pacman.gif" -F "upload-type=ANIMATED_GIF" http://localhost:8080/upload | Using Curl or libcurl, uploads a GIF to $HOME/pixelcade/animations |
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "upload=@/Users/al/artwork/pacman.PNG" -F "upload-type=STILL_IMAGE" -F "console=alu" -F "displaynow=0" http://localhost:8080/uploadplatform | Using Curl or libcurl, uploads a PNG to $HOME/pixelcade/ALU but doesn’t stream/display the PNG |
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "upload=@/Users/al/artwork/pacman.gif" -F "upload-type=ANIMATED_GIF" -F "console=MAME" -F "displaynow=1" http://localhost:8080/uploadplatform | Using Curl or libcurl, uploads a GIF to $HOME/pixelcade/mame AND streams/displays the GIF |
Note the URL cannot contain spaces and cannot accept a full rom file path, just include the rom name (ex. 1942.zip) or the rom name without extension (Ex. 1942)
Pixelcade LCD API
These additional APIs only apply to Pixelcade LCD and will NOT function on Pixelcade LED. These APIs for example are used by the Pixelcade Companion web application.
Note that each Pixelcade LCD has a unique 8-digit ID so replace all calls with the unique of the target Pixelcade LCD. You can find the unique ID in the Pixelcade settings.ini file after it’s been paired or also in the Pixelcade iOS app. For example a given Pixelcade LCD has the unique ID of: f26967ec , then use for API calls:
::Pixelcade Device Info::
GET Returns a PixelcadeLCD object with specifications of the Pixelcade
"name": "Tricks \u0027n Lies",
"hostname": "pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx",
"firmwareVersion": "",
"resolution": {
"width": 1920,
"height": 360
"isPaired": false,
"hasJoinedNetwork": true
::Pixelcade Pairing::
GET Returns the current pairing state
"succeeded" : true,
"message" : "paired"
GET Sets the system Pairing state to Paired. Returns a Status object
"succeeded" : true,
"message" : "Device now set to Paired"
GET Sets the system Pairing state to UnPaired. Returns a Status object
"succeeded" : true,
"message" : "Device is now UnPaired"
::Pixelcade Default Marquee:: /v2/utility/marquee/set/:default marquee number [1,2,3] GET Sets the system default marquee to one of the 3 options. Returns a Status object NB - all other paths are rejected Sample: http://pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx.local:8080/v2/utility/marquee/set/2 { "succeeded" : true, "message" : "New Default Set@2" }
::Pixelcade Dot Display Scores:: /score?s=<game score> Sends a score to the Pixelcade Dot sub-displays only. The Pixelcade Dot sub-display can be of matrix or 7segment type.
The score will not scroll if under 8 characters although the matrix type can also be 4 characters.
Technically text can also be sent here too in addition to numbers.
Note that not all text characters will render on the 7segment display. Sample: http://pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx.local:8080/score?s=1000 score request received: 1000
Video Demo
::Marquee Thumbnails::
GET Returns a 640px wide thumbnail JPEG of the requested marquee as `image/jpg` type/data.
Endpoint Note - any non-2xx response should be checked for a Status Object explaining why the call failed.
:system denotes the api-level known system name, console, or system/category.
:marquee denotes the known "rom name" or "game title" and can be learned from the 'consoles' endpoint.
Result: jpg of marquee
::Marquee Editing::
POST Displays the received JPG as the Marquee for game path, temporarily. Returns as Status Object
NB: The *required* 'Content-Type' for these requests is 'image/jpg'. All others will be rejected.
Additionally, all images will be resized to the display's native resolution
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: image/jpg" "http://pixelcadedx-f26967ec.local:8080/v2/marquees/mame/blazstar/display" --data-binary "@blazstar.jpg"
"success": true,
"message": "Marquee Displayed."
POST Displays the received JPG as the Marquee for game path and saves/replaces it. Returns as Status Object
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: image/jpg" "http://pixelcadedx-f26967ec.local:8080/v2/marquees/mame/blazstar/display" --data-binary "@blazstar.jpg"
"success": true,
"message": "Marquee Updated."
POST Reverts the Marquee for game path to previous version. Returns as Status Object
NB: There is one "level" of Undo. Intent is to revert a "just changed" marquee.
POST empty data to the /undo path
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: image/jpg" "http://pixelcadedx-f26967ec.local:8080/v2/marquees/mame/blazstar/undo" Result:
"success": true,
"message": "Marquee Reverted."
::Attract Mode::
GET Returns the currently set Timeline object
"isPlaying": false,
"media": [
"marqueeName": "pacman",
"delay": false,
"playVideo": true,
"playGIFs": false
"marqueeName": "blazstar",
"delay": true,
"playVideo": true,
"playGIFs": false
"marqueeName": "Legendary Axe I",
"delay": true,
"playVideo": true,
"playGIFs": false
"marqueeName": "Mario_Kart_8",
"delay": true,
"playVideo": true,
"playGIFs": false
"marqueeName": "blktiger",
"delay": true,
"playVideo": true,
"playGIFs": false
POST Sets the Attract Mode Timeline to the provided Timeline object. Returns a Status object
NB call must set type to application/json for data sent
curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' http://pixelcaded-xxxxxxxxx.local:8080/v2/utility/attractmode/timeline/ \
-d @timeline.json
"succeeded" : true,
"message" : "Timeline set: 5 Items"
} /v2/utility/attractmode/timeline/play/
GET Starts playback of currently set Timeline. Returns Status objectSample:
"succeeded" : true,
"message" : "Starting timeline playback"
} /v2/utility/attractmode/timeline/stop/
GET Stops playback. Returns Status object
"success": "Stopping timeline playback"
:: System and Artwork Update:: /update Pixelcade LCD Update Started Please wait until your see the Update Complete message on your Pixelcade before doing anything else Note: This initiates a bash shell update script that will check for new artwork and new firmware from a private GitHub repo
Sample: http://pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx.local/update
::Settings:: settings?key=marqueeOverlays&value=no Marquee Overlays Disabled settings?key=marqueeOverlays&value=yes Marquee Overlays Enabled settings?key=SubDisplayScrollingOnly&value=no Set to scroll text on both Pixelcade LCD and Pixelcade Dot Sub-Display settings?key=SubDisplayScrollingOnly&value=yes Disables scrolling text on LCD, text will only scroll on LED (if connected) or Pixelcade Dot Sub-Displays (if connected) settings?key=ImageMarqueesOnly&value=no Disables video snaps meaning only still image JPG marquees will be displayed settings?key=ImageMarqueesOnly&value=yes Enables video snaps settings?key=font&value=<user selected font> font changed to <user selected font> Note the font must match one of the following or will return an error: {"Orbitron-SemiBold","Orbitron-Regular", "Eight-Bit-Madness", "Arial Narrow 7", "Benegraphic", "Candy Stripe (BRK)", "Casio FX-702P","Daddy Longlegs NF", "Decoder", "DIG DUG", "dotty", "DPComic","Early GameBoy","Fiddums Family", "Ghastly Panic", "GilbertC", "Gnuolane", "Grapevine", "Grinched", "Handwriting", "Harry P", "Haunting Attraction", "Minimal4", "Morris Roman", "MostlyMono", "Neon 80s", "Nintendo DS BIOS", "Not So Stout Deco", "Paulistana Deco", "Pixelated", "Pixeled", "RetroBoundmini", "RM Typerighter medium", "Samba Is Dead", "Shlop", "Space Patrol NF", "Star Jedi Hollow", "Star Jedi", "Still Time", "Tall Films Fine", "taller", "techno overload (BRK)", "TR2N", "TRON", "Vectroid", "Videophreak"}; settings?key=UseConsoleMapping&value=no Set to NOT to use server side console mapping and instead use the console mapping from the local pixelcade running on your arcade front end devuce (this is the default behavior) settings?key=UseConsoleMapping&value=yes Set to use server side console mapping. Note only use this option if your arcade front end is making direct calls to Pixelcade LCD without using a local console.csv mapping function (this is uncommon) settings?key=textColor&value=<user selected text color> Scrolling text color changed to: <user selected color> Note valid colors are: { "random", "red", "cyan", "darkgray", "lightgray","orange","yellow","blue","gray","green","magenta","pink","white"} settings?key=DisplayName&value=<New Pixelcade LCD Name> Pixelcade LCD named changed to: <<New Pixelcade LCD Name> settings?key=SetSubDisplayNumModules&value=<4 or 8> Pixelcade Dot Sub-Display Set to <4 or 8> modules Note: Value can only be 4 or 8
settings?key=PixelcadeDotType&value=<matrix or 7segment>
Sets Pixelcade Dot Sub-Display type to matrix or 7 segment
Note: Value can only be matrix or 7segment settings?key=getSettings Returns of a JSON of current settings: {"font":"Neon 80s","SubDisplayScrollingOnly":false,"ImageMarqueesOnly":false,"SubDisplayNumModules":"8","FontColor":"751d7d","consoleMapping":false,"marqueeOverlays":true} Samples: http://pixelcadedx-xxxxxxxx.local:8080/settings?key=ImageMarqueesOnly&value=yes http://pixelcadedx-c5d7aa96.local:8080/settings?key=getSettings
API Notes:
As a “rule” all endpoints in the v2
api return JSON objects. The Api standard/default object returned is the Status
Object, currently defined as:
"succeeded" : false,
"message" : "It broked :("
All API requests to any endpoint should check the HTTP-Response
for a non 200
-range response, as an indicator of if the call succeeded with the expected results returned, or if a Status
Object with an error
message was returned, per the “standard practices”
Customizing Pixelcade LED Marquees
Pixelcade and API License
Pixelcade software, API, and artwork is licensed for Pixelcade hardware only