What is DOFLinx In Game Effects for Pixelcade?
DOFLinx is the software that is used to connect MAME, Visual Pinball, FX2, FX3, Future Pinball to various devices including Pixelcade. For example, when a ship is destroyed in a game, a corresponding explosion can be displayed on Pixelcade.
General DOFLinx info
DOFLinx for Pixelcade Demo
DOFLinx Effects for Pixelcade LCD Marquees
DOFLinx for Pixelcade is compatible only with Microsoft Windows-based arcade machines and requires a special version of DOFLinx MAME that exposes various in-game events—specifically, MAME 263, MAME 270, MAME 273, MAME 275.
If you’re using an older version of MAME, such as .196, you’ll need to update both your MAME version and ROM sets to a version close to 263, 270, 273, or 275.
The Pixelcade installer will automatically install and configure DOFLinx for you if you don’t already have an existing DOFLinx installation. If you already have DOFLinx installed, then follow the manual configuration steps below to configure it for Pixelcade.
The installer will also download the special DOFLinx version of MAME required. However, it will not update your other MAME files and roms, and if you’re using an older MAME version like 193 for example, this most likely will break your MAME installation so you should first upgrade your MAME and associated romset to a version close to 263, 270, 273, or 275. If you continue, the installer will replace your mame.exe or mame64.exe with the DOFLinx version of MAME, automatically selecting the DOFLinx MAME version 263, 270, 273, or 275, which ever one is closest to your current MAME version.
If you have an Arcade-One HyperSpin image, the Pixelcade installer will recognize it and automatically configure the MAME, AimTrak Gun Games, and Sinden Gun Games wheel for DOFLinx in game effects.
To get the latest DOFLinx effects, click the “Update DOFLinx MAME Files” icon in your Pixelcade start menu.
This screen will appear which will download the latest DOFLinx effects files.

What Games have Effects?
This sheet lists the MAME games with Pixelcade DOFLinx effects
See the video below how to customize in game events for these games and add additional games.
DOFLinx for Pixelcade Manual Setup
If you don’t have DOFLinx already installed, the Pixelcade installer will set it up for you, automated all the steps below. If you however already have DOFLinx installed, then you’ll need to setup DOFLinx for Pixelcade manually following these steps:
Step 1. Upgrade your DOFLink to the latest version from here
Step 2. Replace the mame.exe or mame64.exe in your MAME folder with the DOFLinx mame version.
Step 3. Edit mame.ini from your MAME folder and change the line that contains output to this or add this line if output is not there.
output network
Step 4. Edit DOFLinx.ini file following this example and change paths accordingly:
# The config file for DOFLinx Starter MAME and Pinball FX
# 0 = OFF (normal operation), 1 = ON - When ON a window will appear and a log file will be created in the EXE directory.
# Pixelcade: Go back to the game marquee after playing an animation
# Pixelcade: You can however override this by game by adding this same line and setting it to 0 in the [startup] section of a game specific .MAME file
# location of your files and systems
# Pixelcade: This setting is for PinUp Popper Only, see tutorials for how to enable in Popper
# Pixelcade: Send high scores on game launches for MAME games that have a hi score, set to 0 if you have the paid version of LEDBlinky
# When to activate, and more specifically what is the MAME process to kick things off
If you have mame.exe (as opposed to mame64.exe), then you’ll need to change these two lines in your DOFLinx.ini to below and if you are using mame64.exe, then leave as is.
Step 5. Adds the DOFLinx Startup shortcut to your windows startup folder so DOFLinx runs automatically upon Windows startup.
For Arcade-One HyperSpin image users, the installer will also edit D:\Arcade\Utilities\Startup and Exit\HyperSpin Startup Script.ini and adds this line which will load DOFLinx automatically when HyperSpin starts.
<Pixelcade Folder>\DOFLinx\DOFLinx.exe PATH_INI=<Pixelcade Folder>\config\DOFLinx.ini FOCUS=HyperSpin PINONE=NO
Note the PINONE=NO line is required to resolve a conflict between DOFLinx and Sinden Light Gun software
Big thanks to DDH69, DOFLinx Developer
A massive thanks to DDH69, the developer of DOFLinx, for his collaboration and help to make this happen. DOFLinx and the MAME version enabling live scores is offered at no charge, but donations to DDH69 to cover equipment costs and tools needed for ongoing development are much appreciated. https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=YEPCTUYFX5KDE