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[Sticky] A Few LCD Marquees - Links

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I will use this to post links to all of my currently completed sets as well as what is currently being worked on and the complete Pixelcade & AtGames sets.

Super Pixelcade LCD Set 3.0 (12/16/2022) - All of the completed sets in one file.  (13849 marquees / 7.31gb)

Pixelcade LED / BitPixel Set 3.4 (01/28/2022) - Extract to your "pixelcade" folder.  For BitPixel owners, copy the "pcx" folder to your USB flash drive.

AtGames BitLCD Set 5.0 (01/31/2023) - This set is for the AtGames BitLCD.  Just extract to the root of your USB drive.  The "altered" folder is for those that want some replacements that are stretched/cropped to fill the whole screen, just copy the contents into the main bitlcd folder and allow it to overwrite.  (7573 marquees / 3.86gb)

Completed Sets for Super Pixelcade


Current work in progress - MAME for Pixelcade

This topic was modified 2 years ago 9 times by JamesT1968

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Super Pixelcade LCD Set update info:

3.0 - (12/16/2022) Added many MAME marquees, also a few marquees to NES (Probotector 1 & 2, S.T.I.N.G., and Super Pitfall II), and a couple of defaults.

2.6 - (09/23/2022) Added Neo Geo Pocket, Sega SG-1000, Tiger Handheld Electronics marquees and defaults, and some Nintendo Game & Watch marquees.

2.5 - (09/12/2022) Added NEC SuperGrafx and Nintendo Virtual Boy marquees.

2.4 - (09/01/2022) Added Pinball FX2, Pinball FX3, Pinball Arcade, and Zaccaria Pinball marquees. Also added a few missing games for Atari 2600 (Bump 'n' Jump, Crackpots, H.E.R.O., & Lock 'n' Chase).

2.3 - (08/20/2022) Added Panasonic 3DO and Microsoft XBOX marquees, also added a few to Atari 2600, NES, SNES and Genesis to fill in a few that were missing for some of the AtGames Legends devices.

2.2 - (07/09/2022) Added NEC TurboGrafx-16 and TurboGrafx CD marquees.

2.1 - (07/02/2022) Added Nintendo 64DD, SNK Neo Geo AES, and SNK Neo Geo CD marquees.

2.0 - (06/26/2022) Added Super Nintendo Entertainment System marquees. Added several more default marquees.

1.95 - Added several more default marquees and updated the others with higher resolution logos as well as added several with fixed filenames to work with Big Box.
Fixed filenames in Odyssey 2 marquees.

1.9 - Added Sega CD marquees and updated the Sega CD 32X marquees with new alternate filenames as well as the prefix changed to match what LaunchBox is using. Lastly, replaced all of the current default marquees with new versions/style.

1.8 - Added Sega 32X, and Sega CD 32X marquees as well as a new Atari 2600 marquee - Lady Bug Arcade

1.7 - Added all Sega Genesis marquees

1.64 - Added Sega Genesis "A-J" marquees, as well as some missing marquees from MotorCityFool for Nintendo 64, Nintendo NES, and Sega Master System.

1.6 - Added Nintendo 64, also added several Nintendo NES & Sega Master System games that had alternate filenames.

1.5 - Added all Sega Master System marquees

1.46 - Added Sega Master System "A" marquees

1.45 - Added missing Vectrex marquees from MotorCityFool and several default Sega system marquees

1.4 - Added GCE Vectrex

1.3 - Added Nintendo NES

This post was modified 2 years ago by JamesT1968

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AtGames BitLCD Set update info:

5.0 - (01/31/2023) Moved marquees around to better organize them. Built in games have all been moved to the BitLCD folder, all of the coinops x marquees are in the thirdparty folder under cox, and broken down into seperate folders for each system. Also I have redone the menu and default marquees to be more consistent as well as added several missing menu marquees and added several for categories in Legends Unchained.

4.01 - (12/21/2022) Added marquees for the new Dr. Seuss pinball tables.

4.0 - (12/16/2022) Fixed a few arcade marquees, replaced a few with better versions, and added some stretched versions.

3.9 - (11/29/2022) Added the Arcade "W, X, Y & Z"s for CoinopsX.

3.8 - (11/27/2022) Added the Arcade "T, U & V"s for CoinopsX.

3.7 - (11/24/2022) Added the Arcade "S"s for CoinopsX.

3.6 - (11/15/2022) Added the Arcade "R"s for CoinopsX, 2 new menu items for the QuadPlay Control Deck, as well as the new game packs for Activision and Data East.

3.5 - (10/12/2022) Added some defaults to show up when browsing categories in AddonX, and the Arcade "N, O, P & Q"s for CoinopsX.

3.4 - (10/08/2022) Added the Arcade "L & M"s for CoinopsX.

3.3 - (10/04/2022) Added the Arcade "H, I, J & K"s for CoinopsX.

3.2 - (10/02/2022) Added the Arcade "F & G"s for CoinopsX.

3.1 - (09/30/2022) Finished tweaking / stretching / cropping the arcade marquees up to "E". I am not stretching every marquee, only the ones with decent artwork. The marquees with very poor art or only a logo I am leaving as is.

3.0 - (09/28/2022) Tweaked several of the Arcade marquees to get them a bit larger (still many to do), and added some details to others to get them the full width. I've had many ask about getting the marquees to fill the screen so I've added a folder called "altered" with marquees that I've begun to stretch/crop to make them fill the entire screen. If you want to use them, just copy the contents of the "altered" folder into the thirdparty folder and let them overwrite the ones they are replacing.
Fixed several filenames so that they will show up correctly on the BitLCD and trying to better organize the images since the folder structure inside the thirdparty folder doesn't seem to matter. And lastly I've added a few marquees so that now there are ones for every menu item along the top, in BYOG and SETTINGS.

2.0 - (09/23/2022) Added many of the Sega SG-1000 marquees for CoinopsX, also updated and added a few Settings marquees.

1.9 - (09/13/2022) Added many of the Sega MasterSystem, Genesis, Sega CD, and Neo Geo Pocket marquees for CoinopsX.

1.8 - (09/12/2022) Added many of the NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, NeoGeo CD, Odyssey 2, TurboGrafx-16, TurboGrafx-CD, and SuperGrafx marquees for CoinopsX.

1.7 - (09/11/2022) Added many of the Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari Lynx, ColecoVision, Intellivision, and Vectrex marquees for CoinopsX.

1.6 - (09/10/2022) Added the Arcade "D & E"s for CoinopsX.

1.51 - (09/08/2022) Moved everything into a "thirdparty" folder so you can extract directly to your bitlcd folder on your usb drive, also renamed the PixelcadeX marquee to BitPixelX and added a marquee for BitLCD.

1.5 - (09/06/2022) Added the Arcade "#,A-C"s for the CoinopsX (cox) section.

1.4 - Added the new pinball packs from the AppstoreX and the individual tables from the Natural History in the alu sections. I've also started adding the marquees (still MANY more to add) to the cox section for those running CoinopsX.

1.3 - Now contains marquees for everything on the Legends Ultimate 1.1, Legends Pinball and Legends Core Max

This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by JamesT1968

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@jamest1968 Good evening, and thank you for all the work! I had previously bought the PIxelcade LCD from Al Linke, and I also have the LED one from him, as well. Both are great marquees but I was frustrated by them not being compatible with the native ALU architecture.

So, I bought the BitLCD from atgames and got it in today. I had heard that it was compatible with CoinopsX. I was surprised to not have the art populate when I updated the resources of the BitLCD app on the ALU; however, I soon found out that I would have to update all of the CoinopsX and much of the existing games on the ALU.

So, after searching around, I found this site and downloaded your 2.8 GB updates on my usb stick. Thanks, again, for that. I do have some questions about it:
1. Most of the Mame games do not use the entire screen on the BItLCD, and that drives my OCD wild! LOL. Is there any way to stretch the art so it fills up the whole screen? Or am I not doing it right at all?
2. On the Pixelcade, I didn't find a single game that did NOT have the artwork, and all of that art beautifully filled the whole screen, making it look exactly like the marquees I grew up in the arcade with. I so want to replicate that with the BitLCD! Is there any way we could just use all the pixelcade artwork on the BItLCD? Again, is there any other workaround?
3. I quickly noticed that the art on all the native ALU games has a rectangle on the far left that has the logo and a pic of the game screen. I really would like to not have that on there. I much prefer the old school marquee, stretching horizontally and vertically to fill the whole BitLCD. Can that be done/changed?
4. Lastly (for now), I've noticed that the native games on the ALU which have the trademark (circled r) after the filename don't have any marquee art. The arcade version of Asteroids in the CoinOpsX section has the actual arcade marquee (but, again, much smaller than the BitLCD screen, as discussed earlier), but in the native ALU games section it does not have art (but does have the circled r (trademark symbol) after the file name. Again, am I doing something wrong on that?

Please help

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Thank you.  let me try to answer these points...

1. I personally prefer the marquees to be in the original aspect ratio, I can't stand to see them stretched.  But I've seen on the video from Wagner's Tech Talk that others are working on the arcade marquees and stretching them out so you might try seeking those.  I looked for a link but did not find any at this time.

2 & 3.  You could copy the pixelcade artwork over and just rename them to match what the BitLCD is looking for.

4. This sounds like the same issue I have with the BitPixel.  Any game that used special characters (®©™) in the display name would not display my custom marquee.  I'm waiting on a BitLCD so I can see and test this issue.


Hope this helps some.

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@jamest1968 it does, thank you.  It seems that you dislike stretching as much as I dislike empty space.  lol. I will take the card out of the Pixelcade and go pull the art from there and transfer to the Bit LCD stick and see if I can make that work.  Thanks again.

JamesT1968 reacted
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@archangel-bill Another option that we're starting to see is to expand the artwork at the original aspect ratio by adding content (screenshot thumbnails, bezels etc.). Win win!

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It may be on purpose (currently being worked on?), however the BitLCD link is down.  Just wanted to drop a note in case it is unexpected.   If intended, no worries.

Thanks for the hard work on this! Just installed the BitLCD and looking forward to adding these marquees!

UPDATE:  It is back up now as v3.1, it was clearly being worked on!   Thanks again!!! 🙂

This post was modified 3 years ago by Firf

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For the Altered (BitLCD), copy folder as is to the BitLCD directory, or copy into a specific folder(s)?

I'll test it, but thought I would also through up the Q.

Again, great work and much appreciated!

UPDATE:  Looks like they belong in the thirdparty folder overwriting the prior ones.  Thanks!

This post was modified 3 years ago by Firf

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Thanks for all the additional content as always James. I noticed the Nintendo Game and Watch files are really the Tiger Electronic marquees. Did you make some for G&W?

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@motorcityfool  I had created the Tiger Electronics set, then saw that those tiger games are also listed under Nintendo Game and Watch in the Launchbox database, thats why they are in both collections.  And sorry, but no, I haven't made any other game and watch marquees other than those tiger games.

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FYI, there will not be any updates for a few days while i wait for computer repairs. 🙁 Sorry folks, but I will get back at it as soon as I am back up and running (hopefully sometime this next week.)

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Thanks so much for these!

JamesT1968 reacted
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I've been creating(using this term lightly) some BitLCD marquees for some of my favs that i noticed you have not added yet.  It's only a handful currently but it might save 5-10 min of your time, lol.  A few are noticably stretched, so they might be throwaways.

Edited the link and added some more.



Thanks again for your work!


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FYI, I have been able to get a few new marquees done.  I am posting 3.6 version of the BitLCD file now.  Until my new monitor arrives, it will be slow as I have a TV hooked up to side of the desk and it gives me a stiff neck working on these for too long.  lol

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