Have one of these and interested in running it as a sports ticker. Since the software appears to be web based shouldn't I be able to run this from an old chrome box? And is bluetooth the only option to connect the 2?
there is an android app that runs over blueooth but that doesnt have the ticker feature
see v5 of the pixelcade software https://youtu.be/hWSgP5yptSo which has a sports scores feature
Have watched that video. Does that mean the Bitpixel has wifi built in? Not 100% understanding how I would locate the host name on the network unless it is connected. Since v5 appears to be web based would my idea of a old chrome box work then?
bitpixel does not have wifi, it connects to the host arcade pc or pi over USB. That host PC or Pi is the used for connectivity. chrome box i am not sure, only linux or PC are supported