I am very confused on the naming of the marquee files for the legends ultimate bitpixel. In alu, byog and cox folders, should the files be named after the rom/zip in the uce file, same name as uce, or the name displayed below the cover image on screen? Are they named different depending on the folder, or if its a mame or console game? I am having a hit/miss on these showing up properly.
Any help would be appreciated.
A believe it works like this:
PCX/cox: name the png/gif with the exact name of the UCE, without the .uce and without any directory. It only cares about the file name.
PCX/byog: It doesn't work for byog games, just for the Addon, Addonx, etc icons. I think you name it Addonx.png, etc . Does not seem to be a way to have it use custom marquees for any games you load via addon or addonx. I wish they add this, but not really necessary since cox works
PCX/alu: Here they must be named by the name that shows up under the game icon.
Hope that helps
this may help https://pixelcade.org/bitpixel/ (see the bottom of this page)
specifically here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I3Fd4Z-iW2IXyz8K2tdNz1Ml_bIoOGGN-U505b-r5IU/edit#gid=0
Thank you, this helps. Now I'll get back to working on some new ones.
Have you had any luck with custom marquees in the alu folder for the games with special characters? I've tried "Centipede", "Centipede (Arcade)" and "Centipede® (Arcade)" but nothing seems to work for these.
@jamest1968 No sorry, I autoload into coinopsx, so have not messed with built in games