Not sure If I accidently changed something, but with the latest version of LEDBlink when a random game plays with the GameEx screensaver the pixelcade marquee no longer shows the game title.
Console Before Mapping: black
Console Mapped: black
Game Name Only: dummy
# of Times to Loop: null
Looking for PNG: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.png
Looking for GIF: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.gif
PNG image found: file:/C:/Pixelcade/console/default-black.png
Scrolling text handler received a request: /text?t=Now%20Playing%20~game~%20&ss=1&c=gray&l=1&game=&system=&event=FEScreenSaver
scrolling text: Now Playing ~game~
text color: gray
# times to loop: 1
animation handler is writing /animations/stream/0arcade-slideshow.png?l=99999&event=FEScreenSaver
path is: /animations/stream/0arcade-slideshow.png
animation handler received: /animations/stream/0arcade-slideshow.png?l=99999&event=FEScreenSaver
Animation Name: 0arcade-slideshow
# of Times to Loop: 99999
Animation Handler sending GIF: 0arcade-slideshow.gif
Adding item to Queue...
Queue Contents : [animations;animations;0arcade-slideshow.gif;99999;false;ff0000;1]
Done looping scrolling text, now checking Queue
Items in the Queue: [animations;animations;0arcade-slideshow.gif;99999;false;ff0000;1]
Processing items in the Queue
Processing Animation Queue item...
Found GIF: C:\Pixelcade\animations\gifsource\0arcade-slideshow.gif
This GIF was already decoded
GIF Width: 128, GIF Height: 32
arcade handler received: /arcade/stream/black/dummy?l=0
Console Before Mapping: black
Console Mapped: black
Game Name Only: dummy
# of Times to Loop: null
Looking for PNG: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.png
Looking for GIF: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.gif
PNG image found: file:/C:/Pixelcade/console/default-black.png
arcade handler received: /arcade/stream/black/dummy?l=0&event=FEListChange
Console Before Mapping: black
Console Mapped: black
Game Name Only: dummy
# of Times to Loop: null
Looking for PNG: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.png
Looking for GIF: C:\Pixelcade\black\dummy.gif
PNG image found: file:/C:/Pixelcade/console/default-black.png
console handler received: /console/stream/MAME?ss=1&c=green&t=MAME&l=0&event=FEListChange