I followed the guide and it said it installed successfully on the mister. But the pixelcade would not change to match the menu. I followed the troubleshooting instructions and the dialogue box from the ssh reported the problem was fixed, but it wasn’t fixed, so now I’m left with a completely updated and working mister and a pixelcade that just randomly cycles through logos and doesn’t sync with the menu.
I just updated my MiSTer to the latest (V220413) and it is working on my end. So go ahead and try these steps:
1. SSH back into your MiSTer and run this command manually and let me know the output. Does Pixelcade LED blank out after that, it should
cd /media/fat/pixelcade/ && ./runpixelcade.sh
open this file
And ensure that this line is present in the file (the installer script should have added this line automatically):
Also on a separate note, i just updated the artwork repo with 70+ missing MAME artwork marquees, you can re-run the installer to get those