Pixelcade Art Pack ...
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Pixelcade Art Pack Error, " Pixelcade is not a valid short file name"

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Hello Everyone
I was trying to install the artpack l bought from el luigi,l am only getting the error "Pixelcade is not a valid short file name"
I have seen this error in other applications, and it can be solved by registry editing. I checked the Pixelcade forums l am not seeing any workaround.
I am running Win 8.1,with the Wall Art Pixelcade installed.The Pixelcade is working with no issues on Bigbox/Launchbox
Doesnt anyone know how to resolve this?

received 363480004844609

Thanks for your attention

Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

hmm.. have not seen that one before. If you're unable to install, email me separately and I'll send you the files for a manual installation

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