I have 3 sets of LEDs and having some issues. The first set purchased from AliExpress I think is just bad or not compatable.
I have a set of P5s that work perfectly with the Pixel Maker board.
My third set of P4s was purchased from Amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F87CM6Y?ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details&th=1 ).
I saw Al's review that said they work with the Pixel Maker but I'm having an issue.
They work but my colors are shifted. Red -> Blue, Green -> Red, and Blue -> Green.
My preference is to use the P4 LEDs in my cabinet so hoping for any ideas or information. Most of the information I find is base on using Ardunios to drive the display. I don't know enough about these LED matrixes, but curious if rearranging the R0, R1, G0, G1, B0, and B1 pins on the IDC connector would be a possible solution?
you can try this on the color shift, it may or may not work depending on which colors are shifted on your particular panels
Edit the file settings.ini which is located in your Pixelcade folder
change this setting:
to this:
then reboot
you can try this on the color shift, it may or may not work depending on which colors are shifted on your particular panels
Edit the file settings.ini which is located in your Pixelcade folder
change this setting:
to this:
ledResolution=128x32C2then reboot
Unfortunately that just swapped the Red and Green so I now have BGR.
ok, well those panels just have different color lines then, this is the only option available, sorry. Unfortunately this is the challenge with getting panels off the street, each manufacturer can do things a bit different