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Version 5 Questions- Fonts & GIFs

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Eminent Member
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Version 5 and Pixelcade Companion are awesome- congrats everyone on great work.  

I am running a Pixelcade LED on a Rec Room Masters 32" upright cabinet, with RetroPie v4.8.4 on a Pi 4B.

Two questions:

- Is there a way to customize the font for the "Now Playing" messaging in the game select script, and the "Bye" messaging in the quit script?  In previous versions there was a settings.ini within the pixelcade/system folder where I could customize font and font color for that, but there's no such file in the new version.

- When I have a marquee with a corresponding gif, and select a game: I'll see the "Now Playing.." message and then the gif repeats while in-game, and I never see the static marquee.  Is there a modification I can make with a script that scrolls the "Now Playing..", then makes it run the gif ONCE and then show the static marquee?

Thanks for any help!

Pixelcade Admin
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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

did you try going into pixelcade companion and then the settings menu

http://<your pi ip address>:8080 or http://retropie.local:8080

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I did go to Pixelcade Companion- under "Widget Settings" I changed the font, but when selecting an actual game on the cabinet itself, the "Now Playing" message still scrolls in the default font.

(If I use Pixelcade Companion to send a custom scrolling text message- that DOES go in the selected font, which I'd expect)

Any insight on why gifs repeat too when launching a game? (or if that's something I can change in a script file)?  I did try to turn Cycle Mode off in the game-start script, FWIW.

Pixelcade Admin
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Posts: 330

ok, so I know you are not on linux but see command lines are this page (towards bottom)

those will work on windows too so you'll just need to add a command line param to your pixelweb icon (in startup). experiement first but running it manually and then make change in startup once you have what you want

on the gifs repeat, turn off cycle mode and also check your ledblinky settings

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So- apologies if this is getting into TL;DR territory..

Regarding the repeating gif images upon game launch: I'm actually not on windows.. I'm on a Pi (and use a Mac to connect to it via SSH) - So I don't think I can change LEDblinky settings unless I'm missing something.  (BTW I'm no expert- just somewhat literate from picking things up from forums).

On the question of customizing fonts: To run it manually, I used Terminal on Mac to SSH into my Pi & log in as the root user.  The commands from your link seemed easy enough, I just changed the path according to where pixelweb is on my Pi (as a RetroPie user, that's different from what was on your link).

So here's what I tried- unfortunately I had no luck.  Here's my command plus the error messages I received when trying the -fontcolorrandom param for pixelweb:

root@retropie:~# cd /home/pi/pixelcade && ./pixelweb -fontcolorrandom

INFO [2023-03-16 22:43:30.625] Pixelweb version: 5.0.1-debug (eed22d4f-dirty)

INFO [2023-03-16 22:43:30.669] Generating Console Map...

INFO [2023-03-16 22:43:30.669] Loading Console Data from: /home/pi/pixelcade/console.csv

INFO [2023-03-16 22:43:30.671] Generating collections...

INFO [2023-03-16 22:43:30.677] Initializing Pixelcade: /dev/ttyACM0

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:30.678] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 1 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:31.679] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 2 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:33.679] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 3 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:36.680] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 4 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:40.680] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:45.681] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:50.681] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:43:55.682] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:44:00.682] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

WARNING[2023-03-16 22:44:05.683] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...

ERROR[2023-03-16 22:44:10.683] Max retries exceeded trying to read from the pixelcade. Bailing out.

ERROR[2023-03-16 22:44:10.683] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable

INFO [2023-03-16 22:44:10.684] Established connection to /dev/ttyACM0

ERROR[2023-03-16 22:44:10.684] Invalid IOIO Magic read from /dev/ttyACM0

FATAL[2023-03-16 22:44:10.727] Unable to initialize Pixelcade.

So that didn't seem like it would have done anything at all.  

Next, I tried to use a command to change the font to "Neon 80s" from the default, to see what would happen:

root@retropie:/home/pi/pixelcade# ./pixelweb -font "Neon 80s"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.476] Pixelweb version: 5.0.1-debug (eed22d4f-dirty)

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.518] Generating Console Map...

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.519] Loading Console Data from: /home/pi/pixelcade/console.csv

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.521] Generating collections...

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.532] Initializing Pixelcade: /dev/ttyACM0

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.534] Established connection to /dev/ttyACM0

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.535] IOIO Magic:"IOIO"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.535] Hardware ID: "PIXL0025"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.535] Bootloader ID: "IOIO0401"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.536] Firmware ID: "PIXL0010"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.536] Description: "BitPixel 128x32 (or Pixelcade on older firmware)"

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.549] Startup Image found: /home/pi/pixelcade/mame/pixelcade.png

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.550] Pixelweb listener starting...


██████╗ ██╗██╗██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗██╗███████╗██████╗

██╔══██╗██║╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██║ ██║██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗

██████╔╝██║ ╚███╔╝ █████╗██║ ██║ █╗ ██║█████╗██████╔╝

██╔═══╝ ██║ ██╔██╗ ██╔══╝██║ ██║███╗██║██╔══╝██╔══██╗

██║ ██║██╔╝ ██╗███████╗███████╗╚███╔███╔╝███████╗██████╔╝

╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚══════╝╚═════╝


INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.550] Sending Image: (Image: pixelcade.png)

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.550] Available at the following addresses:

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.551] http://localhost:8080

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.551]

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.551] http://::1:8080

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.552]

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.552] http://2601:cb:4280:97e0::8dad:8080

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.552] http://2601:cb:4280:97e0:fcad:25bd:6f8:50d0:8080

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.552] http://fe80::6ec5:da23:a0f5:eed8:8080

ERROR[2023-03-16 22:50:27.553] listen tcp bind: address already in use

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.553] [Close] sending cancel request

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.553] [Close] sending exit request

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.553] [Close] cleaning up

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.553] [Close] closing Pixelcade device

INFO [2023-03-16 22:50:27.555] [Close] pixelcade device closed

Not quite sure but this seemed like it could have been successful??  I closed Terminal on my Mac and went to the Pi, where I noticed Pixelcade was no longer responding (it was playing the default image saved in its memory when I navigated systems/games).  So I restarted the Pi- after which everything booted up normally and Pixelcade behaved normally as I navigated through systems & games.  

After that, when launching a game... No luck- font was still Arial Narrow 7 when the "Now Playing.." scroll appeared.. I suspect my restart reset the font to the default.

When I am able to get these commands to work.. What file is the "Startup" that I'd add them to?

I've backed up everything, so if I'm down a road where I've screwed things up, I can easily revert to a backup and re-install Pixelcade without any pain on my end.

Thanks for any help!

Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

here's the docs for RetroPie , see the

Customizing Pixelcade Behavior in RetroPie



once you have the right command line that works with the font you like, here is where to make the edit in the Pi startup script so it's persistent after reboot




edit that file

sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/

look for the pixelcade line and add the extra params and save. Reboot and then you should be good.


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Thanks!  For customizing the fonts & colors, it worked perfectly.

For the repeating gifs on game launch, I'm still stumped.  I did turn off Cycle mode in the game-start script - I also set Number Marquee Loops to 1, although that shouldn't matter.  No luck.  Testing with Asteroids - running that game with mame2003, if that matters.

Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

also make sure that the game has a corresponding PNG file, did you try other games? If the game only has a GIF , then that is what is supposed to happen.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Pixelcade Admin

Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

you can also use the logfile param and generate a logfile to see more info on what is happening

Eminent Member
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Thanks- I'll try digging into a log file.

The GIFs repeat on every game I select that has a GIF- I do know that there is a GIF & PNG file for all that I tested.

Eminent Member
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Noob question- what's the syntax for the log file param?

I tried creating a plain text file pixelweb.log, and placed it in the pixelcade/system folder.

Then included -logfile system/pixelweb.log in as I did the other commands (the similar path for the -image param is in my already so I thought that would work).

When booting up, I got the error message: [FATAL] Could not open log file pixelweb.log 

Tried it also with a .txt filename extension FWIW - and got the same error.


Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

for the logfile, launch like this:

pixelweb -logfile "anyname.log" -debug

I'll need to dig into this when back from vacation in April

Pixelcade Admin
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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

also when using log file, just run pixelweb manually, no need to add that in autostart, just kill pixelweb before you run it manually (kill pid)

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Hope you enjoy the vacation- Thanks for the help so far. I'll go ahead and apologize for the length of this post.. I was able to get back at it today and here's what I did:

(FWIW I do have custom systems on my pi- if that means anything- that will be obvious in these log files.)

Booted up, duplicated the "repeating gif error" by selecting a game.  Quit the game to return to emulationstation, navigated to another game, then backed out to the main menu of systems within emulationstation.

Went to my Mac and got on Pixelcade Companion to pull up the activity log:

INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:22.781] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:22.824] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: arabian
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:22.826] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/arabian.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:22.828] Sending Image: (Image: arabian.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.004] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.054] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: arcadecl
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.056] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/arcadecl.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.058] Sending Image: (Image: arcadecl.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.264] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.308] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: arcadecl
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.311] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/arcadecl.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.314] Sending Image: (Image: arcadecl.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.491] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.540] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: asteroid
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.544] Found GIF: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.gif
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.546] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:23.549] Sending Animation: (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:35.286] Received request for console stream Console: black
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:35.295] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/console/black.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:35.299] Sending Image: (Image: black.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:36.305] Received request for text: Text: "Now Playing Asteroids"
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:36.308] Adding (Text: Now Playing Asteroids) to queue
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:36.311] Queue not started. Starting queue.
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:36.314] Queue: [(Text: Now Playing Asteroids)]
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:36.317] Displaying Text: Now Playing Asteroids
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:37.316] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: asteroid
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:37.321] Found GIF: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.gif
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:37.324] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:37.327] Adding (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png) to queue
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:43.272] Queue: [(Text: Now Playing Asteroids) (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)]
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:43.273] Sending Animation: (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:52.189] Looping last item in queue.
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:52.190] Queue: [(Text: Now Playing Asteroids) (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)]
INFO [2023-03-26 21:08:52.190] Sending Animation: (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:01.087] Looping last item in queue.
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:01.088] Queue: [(Text: Now Playing Asteroids) (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)]
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:01.088] Sending Animation: (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.743] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.797] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: asteroid
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.797] Found GIF: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.gif
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.797] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/asteroid.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.798] Queue Canceled
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.848] Sending Animation: (Animation: asteroid.gif, Image: asteroid.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:05.951] Received request for current game
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:06.004] Received request for arcade stream: Console: atariclassics ROM: astdelux
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:06.005] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/atariclassics/astdelux.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:06.056] Sending Image: (Image: astdelux.png)
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:12.150] Received request for console stream Console: atariclassics
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:12.154] Found PNG: /home/pi/pixelcade/console/atariclassics.png
INFO [2023-03-26 21:09:12.155] Sending Image: (Image: default-atariclassics.png)

As expected, behaving differently when I navigate in the menu to Asteroids, vs. when I start the game Asteroids (where it repeats the gif).. the log makes sense but not sure of a good next move from here.


I also did this, to get the log file going like you mentioned:

Booted up, once my main emulationstation systems menu came up, hit F4 to exit to the command line.

Entered: cd /home/pi/pixelcade && ./pixelweb -logfile "pixelweb.log" -debug

After a wait, the command prompt came back so I again went to my Mac, and looked in pixelweb.log:

[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.283 - Pixelweb version: 5.0.1-debug (eed22d4f-dirty)
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.319 - Found System TTF font Fiddums Family: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Fiddums Family.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.319 - Found Embedded BDF font 6x13: embedded/6x13.bdf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.319 - Found System TTF font DIG DUG: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/DIG DUG.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.319 - Found System TTF font Star Jedi Hollow: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Star Jedi Hollow.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.319 - Found System TTF font Videophreak: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Videophreak.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font RetroBoundmini: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/RetroBoundmini.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found Embedded TTF font Graph 35+ pix: embedded/Graph-35-pix.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Not So Stout Deco: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Not So Stout Deco.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Grapevine: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Grapevine.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Chlorinar: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Chlorinar.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font DPComic: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/DPComic.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font taller: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/taller.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Minimal4: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Minimal4.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Early GameBoy: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Early GameBoy.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Morris Roman: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Morris Roman.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Neon 80s: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Neon 80s.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found Embedded TTF font Digital-7 Mono: embedded/Digital-7 Mono.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found Embedded TTF font Fixedsys Excelsior: embedded/FSEX302.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Advanced Pixel-7: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Advanced Pixel-7.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Grinched: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Grinched.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Handwriting: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Handwriting.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Haunting Attraction: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Haunting Attraction.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.320 - Found System TTF font Arial Narrow 7: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Arial Narrow 7.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found Embedded BDF font 10x20: embedded/10x20.bdf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Ghastly Panic: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Ghastly Panic.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Pixelated: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Pixelated.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Samba is Dead: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Samba Is Dead.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found Embedded BDF font 5x8: embedded/5x8.bdf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found Embedded BDF font Tom Thumb: embedded/tom-thumb.bdf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Still Time: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Still Time.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font TR2N: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/TR2N.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font dotty: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/dotty.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font techno overload (BRK): /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/techno overload (BRK).ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Decoder: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Decoder.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Space Patrol NF: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Space Patrol NF.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Harry P: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Harry P.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Pixeled: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Pixeled.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.321 - Found System TTF font Benegraphic: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Benegraphic.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.322 - Found System TTF font Daddy Longlegs NF: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Daddy Longlegs NF.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.322 - Found System TTF font MostlyMono: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/MostlyMono.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.322 - Found System TTF font Casio FX-702P: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Casio FX-702P.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.322 - Found System TTF font Mecha: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Mecha.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font TRON: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/TRON.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Gnuolane Rg: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Gnuolane.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Paulistana Deco: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Paulistana Deco.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Tall Films Fine: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Tall Films Fine.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Nintendo DS BIOS: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Nintendo DS BIOS.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Stint Ultra Condensed: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Stint Ultra Condensed.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font PixTall: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/PixTall.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Pixels: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Pixels.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Shlop: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Shlop.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Star Jedi: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Star Jedi.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Vectroid: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Vectroid.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font pixelmix: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/pixelmix.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found Embedded TTF font Noto Sans Med: embedded/NotoSans-Medium.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Found System TTF font Candy Stripe (BRK): /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Candy Stripe (BRK).ttf
[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Generating Console Map...
[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.323 - Loading Console Data from: /home/pi/pixelcade/console.csv
[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.324 - Generating collections...
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.330 - Loading default font: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Arial Narrow 7.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.330 - Loading font: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Arial Narrow 7.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.330 - Loading system font: /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Arial Narrow 7.ttf
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.331 - System Font /home/pi/pixelcade/fonts/Arial Narrow 7.ttf loaded
[DEBUG]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.331 - devicePath: "auto"
[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.332 - Initializing Pixelcade: /dev/ttyACM0
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:00.332 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 1 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:01.333 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 2 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:03.333 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 3 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:06.334 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 4 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:10.334 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:15.335 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:20.335 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:25.336 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:30.336 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[WARNING]: 2023-03-26 21:00:35.337 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable . Retrying in 5 seconds...
[ERROR]: 2023-03-26 21:00:40.339 - [CGO] Max retries exceeded trying to read from the pixelcade. Bailing out.
[ERROR]: 2023-03-26 21:00:40.339 - [CGO] Reading from Pixelcade returned code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
[INFO]: 2023-03-26 21:00:40.339 - [CGO] Established connection to /dev/ttyACM0
[ERROR]: 2023-03-26 21:00:40.339 - [CGO] Invalid IOIO Magic read from /dev/ttyACM0
[FATAL]: 2023-03-26 21:00:40.383 - Unable to initialize Pixelcade.

Hope that helps.. Let me know any next steps I can try.  Thanks again.

This post was modified 2 years ago by jshapiro

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