Hi There
I use my LED marquee on a custom DIY cabinet and have a few jukebox platforms set up along with Mame platform. I use LED blinky in my set up and wondered if its possible to set up a spectrum analyzer to display that uses LED Blinky? I think it would be an awesome feature but I have no idea the complexityor if its even possible.
Anyways thanks for the great product and I have really enjoyed playing around with my pixelcade and intregating it in to my set up.
thanks, it's a great idea, had thought about adding that myself. What we need to happen is that to have a hook somewhere either at the OS level or the jukebox software that monitors the audio output and then makes calls to the Pixelcade API https://pixelcade.org/api/.
Couldn't it run through LED Blinky as its set up to to change led button colors and has a jukebox mode?