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Vertical Bartop Build with RetroPie

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Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330
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Build instructions on Instructables ==>

A vertical bartop arcade build using RetroPie. The character art on the cabinet sides are laser cut inlays and not stickers.

  • An integrated PIXEL LED Matrix marquee that changes based on the selected game
  • Laser cut design modified for a vertical mount monitor instead of horizontal (many classic arcade games are optimized for a vertically mounted monitor)
  • Laser cut side art inlays
  • Laser etched button labels
  • Audio amp with volume control knob
  • Shutdown/Restart Button
  • Material is Acrylic

Pixelcade Install Guide for RetroPie ==>

All laser cut .SVG files, LED GIF images and animations, wiring table, and artwork for this project are open source and here in GitHub.

Displays scrolling text if a game PNG or GIF is not found
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vertical marquees450
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This topic was modified 5 years ago 8 times by Pixelcade Admin

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