Setting up Bitpixel...
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Setting up Bitpixel on a Windows 10 PC

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I have set up a Bitpixel on my home arcade setup. It is running a Windows 10 computer and uses Coinops Collections. I had it set up and showing all the marquees for N64 and many other systems but I could not get it to see MAME. If it saw it, I couldn't get it to show any marquees while in the arcade part of Coinops. It had chosen the MAME on my C: drive as MAME. Coinops has its own MAME and I thought that may be the problem it might be looking in the wrong spot for the marquees. I ran the setup again and pointed it to the MAME in Coinops Collections it took some time and made an ini or xml file or someth
ing it said it was going to make that was missing and it seemed it may fix the problem. However, it didn't fix it and now the emulators that did work with it, no longer work. When the listener loads up it automatically puts up a Arcade marquee from the Pixelcade directory on my C: drive so I think it is conected and all should be ok but that is the only marquee it displays. I also have a second Teknoparrot Coinops setup that worked well before this but also doesn't work at all now. I'm wondering is there a setting that got switched off or do you have any ideas on what causes this?

Pixelcade Admin
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 330

see here for coinops

caveat is that coinops has many versions and not all may be compatible


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