Pixelcade Version 6.x – For Pixelcade LED & LCD Marquees
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IMPORTANT: Do not install under Program Files or you’ll need to run with Administrator privileges
How to Set Up High Score Scrolling
MAME games with in game effects powered by DOFLinx. You’ll be prompted at the end of the Pixelcade installer if you want to enable Pixelcade DOFLinx effects and note your your MAME version must be close to 263, 270, 273, or 275. All the necessary DOFLinx files will be installed automatically by the Pixelcade installer. More info on Pixelcade In Game effects with DOFLinx.
Optionally, you can also follow this guide that enables Pixelcade LED only to function as a DMD while playing Visual Pinball and Pinball FX3 and FX2 (Steam versions only).
IMPORTANT: For Windows 11 users, turn off Windows Defender as it likely will block the Pixelcade software installation. And then you may need to also add a Defender exclusion for the Pixelcade folder.
Firmware and Artwork Updates for Pixelcade LCD
LEDBlinky Free Version vs. Paid Version
Marquee updates while front end scrolling for emulators & games | Scrolling text during game launch, startup, and shutdown | Screen Saver | Splash Screen Removed | High Score Scrolling on select MAME games | |
Free | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Paid | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
The Pixelcade installer will also install the free version of LEDBlinky. The installer will automatically set the default LEDBlinky settings but you can customize LEDBlinky settings too.
Windows 7 requires some extra steps, follow this Windows 7 guide
The following Windows based Arcade Front Ends have been tested:
- HyperSpin
- Big Box & Launch Box
- CoinOPS Retro Arcade & Latest CoinOps(choose CoinOps from Arcade front end setup wizard)
- CoinOPS Next 2, CoinOPS 2 Gems, CoinOPS NEXT, CoinOPS Arcadia (choose CoinOps Legacy from Arcade front end setup wizard)
- Core Type R
- Game Ex and Game Ex Arcade Edition
- MaLa
- Attract Mode
- RetroBat
- Pegasus for Windows (Experimental)
At the end of the Pixelcade software install, the Arcade front end setup wizard will run and you’ll choose your Arcade front end. You can run this wizard multiple times to integrate Pixelcade with multiple front ends.
Optional Command Line Parameters
The Pixelcade installer will add Pixelcade (pixelweb.exe) to your Windows start-up folder to run automatically when Windows starts. If you want to further customize Pixelcade, you can add the following command line parameters to the startup command.
Usage of pixelweb:
-b string
optional bind address (default “”)
Checks to see if there is an update to Pixelcade LED artwork
show the selected console and rom in color in the Pixelcade Listener window (default true)
-d string
path to pixelcade device. Set to auto to scan for device. On Windows use COM# (default “auto”)
debug log level
-delay int
time (in seconds) to delay device init
Enable demo mode
scan for device if not found or not specified with -d
-font string
default font for text (default “Arial Narrow 7”)
-fontcolor string
default font color for text (default “ff0000”)
random default font color. Overrides -fontcolor (default true)
-fontsize int
default font size for text (default 28)
enable fuzzy matching for images (default true)
-fuzzydistance int
higher number means more distance and less confidence for match (default 20)
-fuzzymatches int
max number of fuzzy matches before disregarding (default 40)
-image string
optional image to display on startup (default “mame/pixelcade.png”)
-install-artpack string
installs the paid Pixelcade LED art pack which requires a license code
first time install of Pixelcade LED artwork
-logfile string
optional log file
skips playing the startup text and logo. Screen will be black on startup.
Skip mDNS registration
-p string
path to pixelcade root (default “C:\\Pixelcade”)
-port int
optional port to listen on (default 8080)
Use an alternative artwork installer that shows download progress in a command line
print progress output as stdout only
silent mode / do not display any log output
-sports-ticker-refresh float
num minutes before updating sports scores, minimum is 1 minute (default 0.25)
startup mode
-stock-ticker-refresh int
num minutes before updating stock ticket updates, minimum is 1 minute (default 1)
swap blue and green. Only needed for certain panels.
-system-image string
optional system image to display on startup. Overrides -image
-text string
optional text to display on startup (default “Welcome to Pixelcade”)
trace log level
updates Pixelcade LED artwork
updates DOFLinx MAME files only
shows the Pixelcade software version