Help and Support Didn’t find an answer from the links below? Please do post your question on the Pixelcade Discord Server Front End and Software Setups How to install for Microsoft Windows based front endsHow to install for RetroPie on Raspberry PiHow to install for CoinOPS (PC)How to install for MiSTer FPGASetup guide for Pixelcade LCD Gen3How to install for Pinball Color Dot Matrix Display (PC) for Pinball FX2, Pinball FX3, and Visual PinballHow to use with Android and BluetoothHow to use from any web browser including an iPhoneHow to Script Artwork and Text outside of Arcade Front Ends Hardware How to upgrade and reset Pixelcade Firmware for both V1 and V2 boards Cabinet Marquee Installations LEDRec Room Masters 32″Xtension UprightAtGames Legends Ultimate MarqueeArcade1Up MarqueeLCDRec Room Masters 32″ Xtension UprightAtGames Ultimate LegendsArcade1UpGeneric LCD Gen3 Setup Artwork Pixelcade LEDHow to customize the default image/animation and add new systems/emulatorsHow to create and add your own artworkPixelcade LCDHow to set default LCD marqueeHow to customize LCD marquee artwork Wiring Diagrams P3 2 Panel Wiring DiagramP5 2 Panel Wiring DiagramP6 2 Panel Wiring Diagram Pixelcade LED Half Mount Wiring How to install and mount for Arcade1Up How to assembly the DIY AtGames Ultimate Legends Mount How to wire and configure a P5 2 panel installation How to wire and configure a P3 1 panel installation Mounting Two P3 LED Panels with Laser Cut Mount Mounting Two P2.5 LED Panels with Laser Cut Mount